Noor Bondogji is a Bay Area native from Santa Clara, California. Having grown up in the heart of Silicon Valley, Noor has developed a love for digital media art with influence in animation and digital illustration. Throughout the course of her education at San Jose State University, she has learned a variety of programs such as Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere, Maya, Blender, Python, JavaScript, Fusion 360, and many others.
Her work excels in the use of playing with colors, space, and creating a realistic virtual environment with minimalism and prefers her audience to fill in the open space with a sense of movement and emotion. Noor's goal after graduation is to pursue a career in Motion Graphics and Visual Effects for companies like Pixar or Apple where she can hone her skills in the tech world and unite virtual worlds into an actual reality.
As a digital artist I gained experience in launching marketing campaigns for the benefit of schools and charity organizations. For instance, I did an internship for a startup called Newart City as a motion graphics artist creating templates and interview videos for featured artists. I worked with the video team and would help create motion graphics in videos using Blender and After Effects.
Working in a fast paced environment, I have learned to create storyboards and moodboards for concept ideas and would present them to the creative director for feedback and improvements. Another experience, is a intern program that taught kids coding through Apple’s Swift Language. Having a good eye for detail, I was able to create designs for flyers, market online and in person in a timely manner.
I had the privilege of teaching Swift to kids from ages 9-15 through Swift Playgrounds which is a game that teaches python. I was able to work in a team and meet every week for planning and teachbacks and enhance multitasking. I was able to stregthen great decision making and analytical skills along with the ability to stay calm and maintain a friendly attitude even when working in very stressful environments.